Saturday, 4 June 2011


The teeth have been acting up for the past few days now. By acting up, they've been sensitive and putting all these scary thoughts *whimper* about cavities in my head. Really, those little green bugs with fangs that dance in toothpaste commercials are so not cute when it comes to real life and real teeth. That's when I stop chortling and saying "oh, how sweet". Hrumph.

Call in the dentist!

There I am, reluctantly dragging my size 8 feet dentist-wards, hearing the drill go ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz in my head, having mental images of green bugs wrecking havoc on my already-sensitive teeth. An agonizing wait later, I'm all togged up in a bright blue (what a cruel contrast; nothing can be that cheerful at the dentist's office really) cape, harsh overhead light shining into my eyes, and lying vulnerable on the chair... torture. (breathe in, breathe out) Doesn't help overmuch when the masked and gowned dentist peers in to my open mouth, brandishing the dreaded drill...

Turns out though, that I'd been overcautious to the point of paranoia, as there are no cavities *cheers* or other scary germs prowling around in Teeth Land. *whew*

The teeth are now clean and happy!

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